Why invest or donate to Nkosi’s Haven?
- We are led by Gail Johnson and her team of passionate carers and HIV/AIDS activists. Gail has worked tirelessly and selflessly for several decades in raising awareness and promoting the cause of those affected by HIV/AIDS. She has emerged as one of South Africa’s and indeed the world’s pre-eminent advocates and thought leaders on the issue and has received many local and international awards and accolades for her work. Gail manages the Haven on a full time basis and has dedicated her life to its success.
- We have developed an incredible infrastructure at the Village in Alan Manor which apart from accommodation has a fully equipped medical facility, day care centre for babies, therapy centre for counselling, a bakery and fully industrial kitchen facility.
- We keep administrative costs as low as possible so that the vast majority of income can be applied to beneficial causes.
- We have implemented strong governance structures, with an independent board of trustees, KPMG as our auditors and Standard Bank as our Social Trading Bankers.
- To keep the dream alive that we can one by one contribute to eradication of the stigma, ignorance and suffering of people affected by HIV/AIDS.
How can you help?
There are a number of ways that you can help us achieve our targets for this campaign:
- Make a cash donation using either the bank account details below or make a donation via the BackaBuddy website. Please send me a confirmation email on davewoollam@gmail.com so that I can reconcile deposits being received and arrange for section 18A certificates to be issued (donations to Nkosi’s Haven are fully deductible against your tax return)
- Send this email to your friends and family and influence them to make a donation.
- Make contact with your company’s CSI department or foundation and promote Nkosi’s Haven as a potential beneficiary of their programmes. Gail and I would be available any time to meet with the representatives of your company and also to arrange a site visit should they wish.
As a demonstration of my personal commitment and passion for the Nkosi’s Haven, I have pledged to match the first R500 000 of donations received under this campaign with an equivalent personal donation from myself.
Contact details
Gail Johnson Founding Director 011 942 5580/1 director@nkosishaven.org
Dave Woollam Chairman of the Board 082 451 9736 davewoollam@gmail.com
Thank you for your time in reading this letter and as the year end approaches I wish you all a very festive and safe holiday season.
Kind Regards,
Dave Woollam
Chairman of the Board of Trustees